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Core Commitments

At River West, we believe that the Church is not a building or an institution, but a community of people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel. This conviction shapes everything that we do and say as a community. Each weekend, we gather as one family to worship, sing, learn, and come to the table to celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. Then, throughout the week we live out the Gospel by loving, serving, and growing in our faith alongside others in Gospel Communities. We do all this because of what we believe that Jesus has done for us!

Jesus: Our Focus

At River West, we believe that the Church thrives by keeping Christ at the center of everything. Together, as we fix our hearts and minds on Christ’s life, teachings, death, and resurrection we experience God’s transforming power. We see this miracle at work in our own lives, our city, and our world. The same Jesus who rose from the grave on Easter Sunday is making all things new. Right here! Right now! So, together, we are focusing on Jesus and following His ways as a community.

Gospel: Our Truth

In a world filled with bad news, we believe in “good news of great joy for all people” – the Gospel! More than advice for good living, the gospel is the amazing announcement of what God has done for us through Christ. This is life changing, world changing! Through the Gospel, we have a new beginning, a new identity, a new community, and a mission together in our broken world. That’s why we set our hearts to learn the Gospel in all its depth, and to live it out in our lives.

Gratitude: Our Response

There’s a lot to complain about in our world.  But we are learning a different way – Gratitude.  This is our response to God and the Gospel. We call it the “practice” of Gospel gratitude.  It’s a “practice,” because it’s not just something we feel, it’s something we’re learning to do – together.  Joyful thanksgiving is what follows when you receive a great gift.  Everything about the Gospel is gift: God’s love, Christ’s sacrifice, the miracle of God’s Spirit in our lives. We give our hearts and lives in return.

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Prayer: Our Power

Living by faith in Christ takes the lid off our world. We are not alone! God is with us and for us – working in our lives and our world. God hears and answers prayer. Suddenly, we find ourselves caught up in something infinitely bigger than ourselves. Each time we gather in Jesus’ name to pray, we believe he is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or even imagine. So, we pray, expectantly, believing his kingdom is breaking into our world. Hurting people can be healed, broken cities renewed. Christ’s church is being built. We get to partner with what God is doing in our world as we pray. This is the heart and soul of Christian faith and the essence of Christian community. Together – we are learning to pray. Our lives can never be the same.

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Unity: Our Strength

The Gospel of Christ brings people together. Jesus creates new community – a community of faith, hope, and love. Suddenly, we who shared so little in common are united at the deepest level. The gift of the Cross and the miracle of the resurrection overshadow all else. Now, what we share in Christ is much greater than what might separate us. Now, we break down barriers and build Christ centered relationships. Now, we are learning to do faith and life together as one – to worship together as one; to impact our world as one. It’s not always easy. But in a fractured world, this is our commitment, in Christ.

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Maturity: Our Goal

The Christian life is a journey. Gathering together as God’s people, we expect to be both challenged and changed. As Jesus followers, we never stop growing. Each day is a new opportunity to become more like Jesus in character and conduct – “conformed in the image of Christ” (Rom 8:29). Thankfully, we are not on our own to do this. We grow with the help of God’s Spirit in the context of a loving, Christ-honoring community. We are learning to serve one another, in love, and to grow up to maturity in Christ – together.

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Mission: Our Purpose

Jesus’ Church does not exist for itself. At River West, we are on mission to make a lasting impact in our world for Jesus. We don’t do this on our own. We believe the same Jesus who lived, died, and rose from the grave is at work in our world. Even in the darkest situations, His kingdom is breaking in. As a community, we are passionately committed to bringing the hope of the Gospel to every life. We work to pursue justice and extend mercy to those in need. This passion for Jesus’ mission is lived out in countless acts of love, locally and abroad.

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What We Believe

To find out more about what we believe at River West Church, check out our complete statement of faith by clicking the button below.

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