Wednesday + Thursday | December 18 + 19 | River West Church
Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to help serve, give, and bring a little joy to the streets of Portland during one of the darkest times of the year. Join us on December 18th and/or 19th, as we partner with Dinner and a Movie to provide a Christmas experience for houseless and low income families in our community. Volunteers of all ages can sign up for 2-4 hour shifts throughout the day. We need volunteers to make this event happen! Please look below at our shift schedule to decide where you would like to serve.
To volunteer at our Christmas Extravaganza
RSVP HERE by December 18.
We need turkey's donated! Please bring uncooked whole turkeys or uncooked turkey breasts to the church for our outreach meals and Christmas dinner. If you want to donate a turkey, please SIGN-UP HERE.
Wednesday | December 18 | 5:30-9pm
Shift 1: 5:30-7:30pm
Shift 2: 7:30-9pm
Thursday | December 19 | 1-9pm
Shift 1: 11-12:30pm
Shift 2: 12-4pm Must be over 12 years old
Shift 3: 4-7pm
For questions, please contact Lauren Gurnee at
Help Make Our Christmas Extravaganza Extra Special!
Please prayerfully consider donating items (see list below) to help make our Christmas Extravaganza a meaningful day for our brothers and sisters in Christ experiencing homelessness or financial insecurity.
Donations are due by December 18.
You can bring items to the church on Sundays or to the the church
office Monday–Thursday between 9am-3pm.
Please bring any of the following new items by December 18:
Questions? Contact Lauren Gurnee at or call the church office at 503-699-2226.
Thank you for your generosity and support in making this event a blessing to many!