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May 12, 2022

Whose Wisdom Am I Trusting?

“The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord.”  -Joshua 9:14 (NIV)

In other words, the Israelites were confident in their own wisdom and failed to seek the Lord.  They were deceived by the Gibeonites, who pretended to be from a faraway land when in reality, they were neighbors.  The Gibeonites were fearful of the advancing Israelite army and used deception to convince them to sign a peace treaty.  [For the full story, read Joshua 9:1-27.]

Under God’s direction and Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites were unstoppable as they defeated their enemies and took over the land promised to them.  But in this instance, they “did not inquire of the Lord.”  The Israelite leaders examined the Gibeonites’ food, clothing and wineskins and determined that they had traveled a great distance to see them.  It was all a ruse.  Had they inquired of the Lord, He would have made it clear just who the Gibeonites were.

There is a clear takeaway for us.

Regardless of the circumstances, we must inquire of the Lord.  The ESV version says the Israelites did not “ask counsel” of the Lord.

I’m willing to bet that you seek the Lord when the decisions are BIG.  Should I marry this person?  Should I take this job?  Should my family move across the country?  Should I attend this university?

In the big decision moments, I am so thankful I have a loving, trustworthy God to turn to in prayer.  I want His counsel! I want to know what to do!

But, like the Israelites in this situation, too often, I trust in my own wisdom, examining the evidence before me and failing to inquire of the Lord.  There’s actually a word that describes this situation.  Stupid. 

It’s stupid NOT to consult the Creator of the Universe, the lover of my soul, when I’m presented with a scenario and need to make a decision.

I know myself pretty well.  I don’t like ambiguity.  I don’t like decisions just “hanging out there.”  I want to pull the trigger and move on.  And in my impatience, I have made poor decisions.

I’m learning that inquiring of the Lord in the “little” things is a spiritual discipline.

Why not take a few minutes to pray?  Why not push pause, and wait a day or two before giving someone an answer?

Seeking God’s will brings me closer to Him.  I’m reminded that I’m not alone in the decisions I make for myself, my family and the men of River West.  Confidence comes with knowing that I sought Him first.

Do you need to slow down in your decision making?  Does your God-given wisdom need to take a backseat to God Himself?

Here’s your homework: Seek God’s wisdom this week in situations where you may not have consulted Him before.  Ask  Him for wisdom, guidance, direction, clarity and discernment.  And see if this gives you greater confidence as you navigate your day, knowing He is right there with you.


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