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May 5, 2022

Coaching from Abundance (Making Others Better-Part 3)

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” -Jesus (Luke 12:48b)

This quote from Jesus follows his instructions to his disciples to be alert and to faithfully serve until he returns.  That moment can come at any time, but until Jesus comes back to claim his own, we have a role to play on this earth.

This should encourage and inspire us to make the most of every day in our service to the Lord.  Our days take on greater meaning when we recognize that we, as sons of the Most High God, have been given and entrusted with much.  These gifts, abilities, talents and treasures are not solely ours. They are meant to be given away in service to others as we play our role as ambassadors and agents of the Creator of the universe.

Let that sink in!  How humbling and exciting is that?!?

If you see yourself as a divinely inspired “coach” (and I hope you do), and want to make others better, I encourage you to coach out of the abundance you have received.

How strange would it be for a professional football coach, with decades of experience and multiple Superbowl wins, to suddenly stop taking an interest in the rookies on his team? He recognizes that they need help and would benefit from his wisdom and years of experience, but instead of engaging them, he watches them stumble through practice, uncertain of what is expected of them.  They aren’t brought into the team meetings or taught the plays.  They don’t have access to the weight room or dining hall.  They are left to themselves to figure everything out.

What an incredible waste that would be!  Those players would benefit from the wisdom and experience of their coach just like the people around you would benefit from your God-given gifts and abilities, honed by years of experience, triumphs and failures.

To whom much is given, much is expected.  Can you hear Jesus sharing these words with you?  He’s nudging all of us to be more for the people he puts on our path.  Put on your coaching hat and make the most of what the Lord has given you for the benefit of others.

Spend some time thinking about the people in your life—your family, employees, coworkers, friends, church community, etc.  Who can your serve?  Who can you encourage?  Who can you inspire?  Who can you coach today?

You have more to give than you realize.

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