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Building a community of men who reflect Christ-like love and service in all their many roles. We are men for others.

Our goal is to encourage and equip men to lead, love, and serve like Jesus in all of their many roles – whether it’s modeling Christ at work or school, growing as a loving husband, or developing character as a father. Below are a few opportunities for men to connect.

Men’s Bible Study

Monday PM or Thursday AM: Register Here

Men, we’re meeting weekly to encourage, equip, and challenge one another as we study the Bible. Gatherings include worship, large group teaching, and small group discussion. These weekly studies are an excellent place to connect with other men and to strengthen your faith.

For any questions, please reach out to Pastor Mike Self at mike@riverwest.org.

Stay Connected

To stay up to date on all the opportunities for men and dads, join the Men’s Email Group HERE.

River West Men + Dads

Annual Events

  • Father + Son Camp
    October 11-13, 2024
  • Father + Daughter Dance
    January 31, 2025
  • Father + Daughter Camp
    April 25-27, 2025
  • Man Camp
    May 16-18, 2025

4th Quarter Men’s Ministry

Bible studies, book studies, service projects, and fellowship events for our senior saints. Email Steve Kelly at sdk365@gmail.com for more information on current opportunities.

Areas of Service


Catalyst NW inspires people, builds hope, and nurtures community by bringing together useful resources and caring men to meet critical repair needs of under-resourced people in our communities. For more information please contact Jess Gilchrist at giljess@hotmail.com

Evans Creek Retreat

Evans Creek Retreat is a camp for adults with special needs located about 45 minutes east of Salem. The camp was burned to the ground during the Beach Creek fire in 2020. We partner with other churches to clear debris, cut wood, and build fencing, dining tables and creekside resting benches.

Contact Jim Harvey if you are interested in serving on Saturdays: jimharve@outlook.com.

Contact Geoff Brown if you are interested in serving midweek: geoff.brown@comcast.net.

Pure Life Alliance

Pure Life Alliance is a ministry that provides groups and resources for men dealing with sexual addiction and pornography. They offer safe, confidential groups where men can find accountability and healing support.

For more information visit, www.purelifealliance.org or email  info@purelifealliance.org.


ManKind is a faith-based program for men who struggle with anger and abusive, controlling behaviors in relationships. The program challenges a man’s underlying beliefs behind the behaviors and offers safety, accountability, and support to participants.

For more information visit armsrecovery.org or call (503) 846-9284.

For More Information

Contact Men + Family Life Pastor, Mike Self, at 503.699.2226 or mike@riverwest.org.

Current E-Newsletter

Sign up for “Current,” our monthly email newsletter about what’s going on at River West Church and beyond. From time to time we’ll also send you special announcements and words of encouragement from our pastors.

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