January 12, 2022
A friend recently introduced me to the term “root-bound.” Plants become root-bound (also known as “pot-bound”) when they outgrow their container but aren’t repotted in a larger one. The roots grow around and around, which stunts growth and can lead to the death of the plant.
I know men like this.
Root-bound men live small, comfortable lives. They are slowly dying because they aren’t growing. They insulate themselves with a few friends that rarely lead to deep or meaningful conversation. They’re trapped in routines void of challenge. Root-bound men fear change and favor the status quo. Their worlds are small.
Are you feeling root-bound in an area of your life?
What do you need to do to shake things up?
Do you value comfort over meaningful relationships with other men?
I know I am a better man when I have other men in my life. These stretching, sharpening relationships are essential for health and growth.
If you feel root-bound and want to take a step of faith and engage in meaningful relationships with other men, here are some opportunities.
Thursday Morning Men: Life Lessons from the Warrior Poet
We are launching a new weekly Bible study on the life of David on January 20. The man after God’s own heart, but far from perfect, David lived a fascinating life. It’s a life of incredible victories and soul-crushing decisions and defeats that all men should learn from. The morning includes large group worship and teaching, followed by small group discussion. Register HERE.
Living Lionhearted Tuesday Night Study | 7:00-8:30pm | C3 Church
Perhaps now more than ever, men need a clear understanding of what biblical manhood looks like. Living Lionhearted is Pastor Mike’s vision of manhood that he developed for himself and his son over many years. Now it’s packaged as a journal with weekly reading and questions for reflection and discussion. Men will gather in person off-site for teaching and small group discussion for this 10-week study. Register HERE.
Forged | January 22 | Kampfe Farm
Forged is a ministry for teen boys and dads. We are “Shaping Men for Life” as we gather to learn valuable life skills. The first in a series of events, this one focuses on chopping wood, making kindling, and building the perfect campfire. We’ll close with a short devotional and dinner cooked over a fire. Teens are welcome with or without their dad. Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast | January 29
We’re bringing the breakfast back! Connect with other men, enjoy a great meal and hear an encouraging word from Pastor Mike. Register HERE.
Weekly Sharpening Blog by Pastor Mike
Each week explores authentic masculinity and our lives as Christian men. Subscribe HERE. [If you have subscribed but aren’t receiving it, check your trash, spam or promotional folders.] You can also access them on the website. New posts arrive every Friday morning.
4th Quarter | Senior Men’s Group Bible Studies:
Paul-the Man Behind the Letter | Thursdays at 8:30am via Zoom | 8-week Study Starting January 6
Led by retired Portland Seminary professor Dr. Kent Yinger, we are focusing on Paul, the author of Romans, as well as the recipients of this letter. We’ll consider various aspects of the context of this vital letter (Paul’s Jewish background, the Greco-Roman culture, the nature of the Roman church, etc.) Contact Don Lewis for more information. lewisdkl@comcast.net
Tuesday Morning Bible Study | John 19-21 | 8:00-9:15am @ RW
Contact Geoff Brown for more information. geoffbrown@comcast.net
Future Events:
Father + Daughter Camp | April 29-May 1 @ Twin Rocks Camp
Father + Son Camp | October 14-16 @ Twin Rocks Camp [New date and location!]