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August 25, 2021

The Intersection of Confidence and Humility

Kathleen, my wife and the pastor of children’s ministry at River West, received a mean-spirited email last week.  She was so taken off guard that she called to tell me about it.


It was from a man with two kids who had an overly aggressive response to an email sent out to River West families about the new mask mandate as set forth by our governor.  According to him, we are “sick,” “not followers of Jesus” and “worship Satan” because we have chosen to follow the “bullsh*t” mask guidelines.  He also informed her that he no longer attends River West but goes to a “real church.”


The email is so over the top that it’s easy to dismiss.  I just hate that my sweet wife was the recipient of such an ugly email. 


I’m sure his “real church” is thankful to have such a bastion of Christian love, grace and humility worshipping among the rest of the faithful each Sunday.  [I get sarcastic when I get annoyed.]


The email was dripping with arrogance and condescension.


And as much as I hate to say it, those two words could be used to describe my attitude sometimes.  I once had a friend tell me that my “confidence borders on cocky.”


I love Jesus’ confidence.  There has never been a more confident man ever to walk the earth.  But he’s confident with zero arrogance or condescension.  He’s also the most humble man to ever walk the earth.


I love the intersection of confidence and humility.  They aren’t opposites.  I believe every Christian man should forever be growing in both.  Of course, this is not a worldly confidence born out of your strengths or station in life.  I’m talking about a confidence rooted in the understanding that you are loved completely by a perfect and Holy God.  It’s amazing to think that the Creator of the universe saw fit to make me and you!  We were made in His image.  And yes, that’s incredibly humbling too. 


I love how Bill Robinson in his book, Incarnate Leadership, describes the overlap of confidence and humility:


“At once, Christians should be the most humble and confident of all people.  When we are confident and not humble, we deny the grace of God.  When we are humble and not confident, we deny the power of God.”



Where are you on the humility scale? 

Where are you on the confidence scale? 

Do you think too highly of yourself or too little of yourself?

How does God’s love make us supremely confident and humble at the same time? 



River West Men | Upcoming Opportunities

Get these things on your calendar and register today!


Man Night @ the Fisher’s

September 23 | 6:00pm-8:00pm


A night of man stuff: axe throwing, pickleball, cornhole, spike ball + dinner.

RSVP info coming soon


Living Lionhearted Men’s Study

October 9-December 18

Saturday Mornings 7:30am-9:00am

Registration Open: Click HERE.

Perhaps now more than ever men need a clear understanding of what biblical manhood looks like. “Living Lionhearted” is my vision for manhood that I developed for myself and my son over many years. It’s now packaged as a journal with weekly reading and questions for reflection and discussion. 

Men will gather in person at River West for live teaching and small group discussion for this 10-week study. Sons currently in high school are welcome to participate with their fathers. This is not an inductive Bible study. This is a deep dive into manhood.


Marriage Ministry Monthly Dinners


Registration Open: Click HERE.

This ministry is designed to foster small group communities where honest conversations about marriage thrive and couples are encouraged, equipped, and challenged to strengthen their bond while deepening faith in Jesus.

Key components of this experience will include the following:

·       1 Host Couple with 3 participating couples = small group community

·       8 gatherings over dinner (1/month, October-May)

·       Materials for use: You and Me Forever book and study guide/workbook by Francis and Lisa Chan



Father + Son Adventure Camp

October 1-3

For sons in 1st-5th grade

More details to come


Father + Daughter Dance

February 18

For daughters 3 years old-5th grade

More details to come


Father + Daughter Camp

April 29-May 1

For daughters in kindergarten-5th grade

More details to come



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