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November 29, 2023

Pillow Test Revisited

For most of my life, I have determined the quality of my day based on how much I accomplished.  Getting stuff done has always been a high priority.  I take joy in checking off my to-do list, and I’m disappointed when I don’t accomplish everything I set out to do.  When my head hits the pillow at night, I want to be able to look back over my day with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  This is the pillow test.

I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Working hard, achieving goals, and being productive are great things, but they can also be idols.  It’s easy to find your worth in your accomplishments.  This is a trap I have fallen into many times.

Last summer, a friend reminded me that the Lord delights in his children (Psalm 149:4).  I know the Lord loves me, but does he delight in me?  That word really tripped me up.  The Lord delights in me simply because I am His.  He doesn’t delight in me for any other reason.  He doesn’t delight in my accomplishments, productivity, efficiency, or goal achievement.  He delights in ME.

And the Scriptures repeatedly remind us to delight in Him and His Word.  Psalm 37:4 tells us to “take delight in the Lord, and he will give us the desires of our heart.”

There is a wonderful freedom and playfulness in delighting in the Lord, but I’m not very good at it.  I’m learning, though.  When your life is about doing, there is little delight.

Delighting in the Lord is not dependent on what I accomplish.  But it requires me to seek Him throughout the day.  It means slowing down and receiving his gifts and blessings each day.  It means letting Him set the agenda and pace of the day.

I’ve got a better standard for determining the “success” of a day when my head hits the pillow.  It’s not a question of how much I do, but rather, how much I delight in the Lord.

And, of course, I can delight in Him in my work, rest, and play.

Are you aware of God’s delight in YOU? 

How will your life change if you find more delight in the Lord? 

What’s your pillow test?  Does it need an upgrade?


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