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August 11, 2021

“Glory Days”

“Glory Days” by Bruce Springsteen peaked at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in 1985.  It’s a catchy and fun song, but a bit haunting as well.  The chorus says it all:


Glory days, well they’ll pass you by

Glory days, in the wink of a young girl’s eye

Glory days, glory days


I was 14 years old when I first heard this song.  At that point in my life, I hadn’t experienced much that could be considered worthy of “glory days” status.  But reflecting on my life now, there are several glory day moments and seasons that bring a smile to my face.  And, like the song describes, I’ve been known to sit around with friends and relive stories from those days.  We’re careful never to let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Looking back can be fun.  We all have memories worth playing on repeat in our minds.  Those can be gifts from God.  But clearly, we also aren’t meant to live in the past.  As a follower of Christ, I believe with all my heart that the best days are still to come.  We say this frequently around River West Church. 


What does it reveal about your faith if you think your best days are behind you?  That you somehow peaked in your 20s, 30s or 40s? 


I cringe when people tell my daughter who is a junior in college or my son, who leaves for college in a few weeks to, “Enjoy these four years because it’s the best time of your life!” 


My response is always, “I hope not.” 


Men, I believe that the best days are still before us.  It doesn’t matter how old you are.  A faith in Jesus means each day is filled with meaning, purpose and possibilities.  We are his ambassadors, agents and missionaries regardless of age or season of life.  You’re no longer the high school homecoming king or the athlete you once were.  Your letterman jacket no longer fits, and it’s been years since you partied with your fraternity brothers.  Life can be fun!  But worldly accomplishments void of love and service to others lack eternal value and significance.  I’m fairly confident that my swimming records are not recorded in the Lamb’s book of life. 


[If you haven’t already, today is a good day to read last week’s post: “Good as I Once Was”.]


I believe each day has the potential to be a “glory day” when we reflect the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we remain true to his call upon our lives. 


And the ultimate glory day?  When our earthly life comes to an end, and we find ourselves standing face to face with Jesus completely overwhelmed and speechless in the presence of HIS glory. 




Are you holding onto past accomplishments in an unhealthy way?  If so, why?

Do you think your best days are behind you or do you think the best days are still to come? 

What does your answer reveal about your faith?


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