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Young Adults: Connect Night + Potluck
Jan 16, 2025 at 6:45 PM

Thursday | January 16 | 6:45-8:45pm | Wembley House

Young Adults! We are going to regather at The Wembley House, after a long break, to kick off 2025 together! This will be an evening devoted to community, sharing a meal together, sharing a meaningful discussion prompt, and prayer for the year ahead. This is an evening you don't want to miss!

Important Note:

*This will be a pot-luck, so if you can, please bring a side-dish, and/or dessert, and/or drinks to share.

About The River West Young Adult Community:

The River West Young Adults Community aims to connect our young adults, ages 22-32, to the life of the church as well as forge meaningful relationships with one another. Our vision is to build a community of Christ for the world as young adults who embrace their identity in Jesus, learning to follow him through the mess of real life and alongside others. No matter where you find yourself in this season of life, we invite you to join our community and build relationships, ask questions, and grow together as disciples of Jesus.

For information, please contact Pastor Derrick at derrick@riverwest.org

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