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HS Fall Retreat | Nov 2024
November 9, 2024. All day

Saturday-Monday | November 9-11 | Dunes Bible Camp, WA

Enjoy a weekend away with our High School Community! This will be a time when we'll pause the daily schedules of school, work, sports, and everyday life to intentionally connect as a community. Get ready to worship with your peers, study God's word, enjoy the coast, play epic camp games, and all the other fun events that come with spending a weekend away with our HS community!

We'll meet at the church at 11:30am on Saturday, November 9th, take a bus to camp, and then return by 1pm on Monday, November 11th. The cost is $165 per person.

Student( under 18) REGISTER HERE by December 7.

Student (18+) REGISTER HERE by December 7.

Leader REGISTER HERE by December 7

If you have any questions, please email Pastor Tiffany at tiffany@riverwest.org

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