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Introducing Community Class
Aug 18, 2024 at 12:45 PM

Sunday, August 18, 2024 | 12:45-2pm | RM 105

At River West, we are partnering with God to build a community of Christ for the world. Essential to that vision and our discipleship is participation in community. The purpose of our Introducing Community Class is to orient you to our Community Group Ministry. We will lay the biblical framework for community and discuss the model, vision, and culture of our Community Group Ministry. The class ends with practical next steps about how to join an existing group or launch a new one. Therefore, this class is tailored for those either curious about or actively looking to join a River West Community Group (but all are welcome!)


Free lunch is provided! Please RSVP using the link above.

For any questions, please email Pastor Derrick Dallmeyer at derrick@riverwest.org.

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