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JH Summer Hangs
Every week on Wednesday until Aug 8, 2024 from 1:00p to 3:00p

Wednesdays | June 19 - August 7 | 1-3pm | Lake Grove Swim Park (3800 Lakeview Blvd.)

JH Friends! It is summer time and we can't wait to soak up all the fun traditions that come with this time of year! This includes our favorite weekly hang time at the Lake Grove Swim Park! And we're teaming up with our friends from Young Life for this event!

We'll be swimming, playing, and hanging out every Wednesday from 1-3pm starting June 19th thru August 7th. This is a fun time to play and enjoy summer as a JH community! ALL students are invited! We're excited to hang out with you at the Swim Park!

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For any questions, please reach out to Pastor Tiffany Hamilton, at tiffany@riverwest.org.

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