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Formation 301: Atonement
Every week on Thursday until Feb 29, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Thursday, February 22nd + 29th | 6:30-8:30pm | Community Room

Imagine that your roommate or child asks this question to you: "Why did Jesus have to die?" How would you answer that question?

In our formation class on the "Atonement", we will explore this question and equip you on how to answer it for yourself. We will come to understand how the Bible and church history have answered this perplexing question of why Jesus had to die.

This will be a two-week course that involves a combination of teaching from Pastor Eric, videos, small group table discussions, and Q&R. This is open to all people in our church - no matter how long you've been following Jesus!

RSVP Here!

For any questions, please email Pastor Derrick Dallmeyer at derrick@riverwest.org.

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