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Loving Our Muslim Neighbors
Dec 8, 2023 at 6:00pm

Friday, December 8 | 6-8:30pm | Community Room

Have you ever looked at the world and all that's going on and asked yourself, "What on earth is God doing?" Besides returning at some time in the future, does He have a plan right now? Specifically, have you ever thought along those lines in regards to refugees or immigration? There are over 108 million displaced people in the world today. It's the largest refugee crisis in world history, even eclipsing post-WW2.

If you've attended River West for any length of time, you know that the Bible says we are to welcome the alien and love the stranger. But if you live in the real world and listen to the news, you've also heard "solutions" floated that seem impractical and not based in reality. So what on earth is God doing?

Elizabeth and Donn Jones have been reaching out to unreached people for 23 years, specifically refugees in the Portland area. God has brought them from being unaware of refugees to a place of amazement at what God is doing in the world and a sense of gratitude for the privilege of being involved. They would love to invite you to a dinner to hear about what God is doing and how you can be involved.


For any questions, please reach out to the main office at info@riverwest.org.

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