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Church Family Picnic
Jun 26, 2022 at 5:00 PM

On the last Sunday of each month through the summer we’ll host key events for our whole church family. The first one is called “Church Family Picnic” and is coming up on Sunday evening, June 26. This will be a night to hear stories from our High School Ministry after they return from a mission trip to West Virginia. We’ll also have a bounce house for the kids, lawn games, and an amazing dinner catered by Bamboo Grove! So bring out your picnic blankets and lawn chairs and join us! Please text us to RSVP (instructions below).

Sunday, June 26 | 5-7:30pm | Back Lawn


To RSVP send a text to 1-877-839-8792 with the number of adults attending, number of children attending, and if vegetarian.

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