Calling all River prayer!
The month of October will be devoted to urgent prayer together as a believing community. If ever there was a time for the church to gather and seek God for his mercy and wisdom, that time is now.
We would like every person who considers River West home to join us for at least one of the following prayer gatherings in our Sanctuary: Mondays at 7pm, Wednesdays at noon, Fridays at 8am. That's three opportunities every week throughout the month of October.
Here's what you can expect when you arrive. An elder and/or pastor will be there to guide the time. Safety precautions will be in place (face coverings and physical distancing). You will be blessed as you connect with Christ and other members of River West.
Monday, Oct. 5 - Friday, Oct. 30 | River West Sanctuary
Mondays, 7pm; Wednesdays, 12pm; Fridays, 8am
RSVPs are necessary. Just click below.
Note: For those not yet ready to participate in person, Wednesday Noon Prayer will still be available via Zoom. CLICK HERE to participate (the Zoom link).
RSVP for Friday, Oct. 23
RSVP for Monday, Oct. 26
RSVP for Wednesday, Oct. 28
RSVP for Friday, Oct. 30
For any questions, contact the church office at or (503) 699-2226.