Sunday gatherings are the primary way we learn, grow, and live out the Gospel together as a community. Whatever your story is, our prayer is that you feel welcomed, encouraged, and inspired in your journey of faith. Below you’ll find some information about what you can expect when coming to a Sunday service.
With the LO Jr. High parking lot closed and the path to Uplands covered in mud, we’re asking those looking for overflow parking to use LO High School (see map). If you have strong legs and a good sense of direction, please consider parking at the high school to accommodate those with children or special needs. Thank you!
Our Sunday services are a time to worship together through song, receive a dynamic teaching from Scripture, and celebrate communion.
River West Kids program is available for infant-5th grade at 9am + 11am and infant-3rd grade at 5pm.
The Student Ministry program at River West Church connects junior high, high school, and college students with Jesus Christ, the community of Christ, and the mission of Christ. This happens as students worship, learn, serve, and hang out together.
Junior High students (6th-8th grade): You’re invited to join us each Sunday for worship, teaching, and small groups. We focus on Christ and His priorities for your life as you connect with friends and leaders.
For more information, contact Tiffany Hamilton at
High School Group provides students a place to learn about Jesus, worship, and engage with other students in faith conversation! We’ll worship in the sanctuary and then head into the Student Ministry Room for a time of teaching and small group discussion.
For more information, contact Tiffany Hamilton at