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September 1, 2021

A Good Man (Part 1)

“Marybeth, I . . .”


“It’s just another setback.  No one said this would be easy.”


Joe felt awful.  “I wish I were as tough as you are,” he said.


She smiled again, and pinched his cheek.  “You’re better than tough, Joe.  You’re good.  I’ll stick with good.”


You’re good.  I’ll stick with good.


This is an exchange between Wyoming game warden Joe Pickett and his wife, Marybeth, in the fictional book, Trophy Hunt by CJ Box.  This couple went through hell, but the good guys won.  Joe Picket is a fantastic character.  He’s not the smartest, strongest or the fastest—but he is good.  By his own admission he’s not very clever and a poor shot with a pistol.  But he does the right thing, and it gets him in trouble every time.  [Trophy Hunt is number #4 in a 21-book series.] 


I’m a sucker for books like this. I love it when the good guy wins. 


It’s obvious that our world is lacking in good men.  We have nice guys, but not nearly enough good men.  I think there is a big difference.  [It’s something I explore in the Living Lionhearted journal.  You can sign up for the 10-week study that begins on October 9th by clicking HERE.]


For the last few months, in my personal devotional time, I’ve been meditating on the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) as descriptors for true masculinity.  Clearly, Jesus was all these things.  A good man embodies and expresses:












I’m willing to bet that if you sat down and made a list of words describing a “good man” that many (if not most) of these words WOULDN’T make your list.  They wouldn’t make mine. 


Maybe that’s one of the problems. 


My list would contain words like courageous, gritty, strong and bold. 


And yes, I want these words to describe me.  But only as they enable me to be more loving, joyful, peaceful and patient.  I want to be courageous and gritty in my kindness, goodness and faithfulness.  I want to be strong in my gentleness and self-control.  


Jesus certainly was.  And I want to be more like him.


The world needs good men. 


More on this next week. 


What words would be on your “good man” list?

-Look at the fruit of the Spirit listed above.  What does it say about you as a man if those words don’t describe you?

-What’s the difference between a good man and a nice guy?



River West Men | Upcoming Opportunities


Men, there are a lot of awesome events coming up.  Get these things on your calendar and register today!


Man Night @ the Fisher’s

September 23 | 6:00pm-8:00pm

A night of man stuff: axe throwing, pickleball, cornhole, spike ball + dinner.

RSVP HERE>  Yes, real men RSVP when food is involved!


Living Lionhearted Men’s Study

October 9-December 18

Saturday Mornings 7:30am-9:00am

Register HERE>

Perhaps now more than ever men need a clear understanding of what biblical manhood looks like. “Living Lionhearted” is my vision for manhood that I developed for myself and my son over many years. It’s now packaged as a journal with weekly reading and questions for reflection and discussion. 

Men will gather in person at River West for live teaching and small group discussion for this 10-week study. Sons currently in high school are welcome to participate with their fathers. This is not an inductive Bible study. This is a deep dive into manhood.


Marriage Ministry Monthly Dinners


Register HERE>

This ministry is designed to foster small group communities where honest conversations about marriage thrive and couples are encouraged, equipped, and challenged to strengthen their bond while deepening faith in Jesus.

Key components of this experience will include the following:

·       1 Host Couple with 3 participating couples = small group community

·       8 gatherings over dinner (1/month, October-May)

·       Materials for use: You and Me Forever book and study guide/workbook by Francis and Lisa Chan



Father + Son Adventure Camp

October 1-3

For sons in 1st-5th grade

More details to come


Father + Daughter Dance

February 18

For daughters 3 years old-5th grade

More details to come


Father + Daughter Camp

April 29-May 1

For daughters in kindergarten-5th grade

More details to come


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