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Weekly Sharpening

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May 13, 2021

Introducing the Weekly Sharpening


Welcome to something new.

In the past most of the emails you received from me were promoting upcoming opportunities for men. I’ll still continue to do that, but I’m also taking it a step farther. There is a reason I’m calling these posts the “Weekly Sharpening.”

Allow me to explain.

This time last year we were all adjusting to life in the Covid era. Of course, back then most of us were thinking that life was going to return to normal within a few months. Since it became harder to connect in person, God put it on my heart to share my thoughts on all manner of topics related to men, and I did it through a weekly email called “A Season of Sharpening.” *I really thought it was just going to be a season!* I wanted to encourage, equip and challenge us to remain focused on the things that really mattered in such a volatile and unsettling time.

Almost a year later and I was still writing.

I know most of us are more hopeful now and life is looking a little more like pre-Covid life. But, God hasn’t told me to stop writing.

You are receiving this because at some point you joined the River West Men’s group. In the past my emails were somewhat sporadic, but now I plan to email on a weekly basis—not only to share what’s going on in our Men’s Ministry, but to continue down this road of sharpening one another.

Many of you have heard me say this before, but I will say it again: none of us have “arrived.” Becoming more like Jesus is a lifelong pursuit and takes great intentionality. My hope is that these weekly writings will nudge us in that direction.

Each writing will include questions for reflection and discussion. I hope you’ll take the time to think through the various topics and talk about what you are processing with other men. This is where the true sharpening comes into play. You can also respond to my posts online and I hope you will choose to do so.

As long as the Lord puts things on my heart to share, I’ll keep writing!

Looking forward to this journey with you.

Pastor to Men and Families


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