It's that time of year again: BEST CAMP EVER! The weekend will be filled with games, competitions, a talent show, worship, teaching, and all the other things that make camp fun.
Just like in the past, this camp is primarily for junior highers, but all of our high schoolers are invited to help run and lead the camp!
We'll meet at River West on Friday, February 28 (check in-5:45, leave-6:30), to head for Trout Creek Bible Camp, and we'll return on Sunday, March 1, around 12pm.
We need your help with prizes for the Best Camp Ever auction! Students earn points throughout the weekend and can use those to "buy" some awesome prizes at the end of camp. If you're able to, donate items between $5 and $20... gift cards, sports equipment, make-up, etc. (anything you think junior high boys or girls would love!). Please drop off items at the church in the weeks leading up to the trip.
Packing List:
Bible, pen, journal, sleeping bag, pillow, flashlight, toiletries, towel, dark clothes to run around in, clothes you're okay getting muddy (including shoes!), props for the talent show (optional). Make sure to pack plenty of warm clothes!
Cost is $125/student. Scholarships are available. Sign up by February 9 to be guaranteed BCE gear! Registration deadline is February 28.
REGISTER HERE (JH'ers & HS leaders under 18)
REGISTER HERE (Adult leaders 18 & above)
Questions? Contact Meg McNamara at